Saturday, July 11, 2009

And a Happy Eight Months to You!

Yesterday our Wes turned eight months. Wow. Sometimes when he looks up at me with little tear-filled, tired eyes after a bad dream, I still see that little guy we brought home from the hospital. But most of the time I see a little mischievous munchkin that has found a way to make it across the livingroom to play with something not-a-toy (aka the computer cord, Daddy's piano music, the computer mouse, etc.). I love his impish smile. I love his cuddles. I love his funny laugh when he is playing with Dad. I love the way he thinks his poop is hilarious--seriously. The funny way he wiggles his nose when it itches. His sighs when he finally gets what he wants--usually food. And how everything has suddenly turned into a hammer (William--watch out for your tools when this one comes to visit). His funny jibber-jabber he is starting to make in place of coos. The funny way he sucks on his sore gums, making a smacking with his lips.

What a guy.


Neal & Shara said...

Happy birthday to the cutest grandson ever!!! We cant wait for you to come visit, the blackberries are calling for Wesley to come pick them! See you soon!

Casey said...

Very cute!